What is CompatTelRunner.exe on Windows 10? What does it do?
CompatTelRunner.exe is the Windows Compatibility Telemetry process. It periodically sends usage and performance data to Microsoft IP addresses in order to improve user experience and usage and to resolve potential issues. It is enabled by default, and data points are useful for Microsoft to improve Windows 10. Some users have reported that this is slowing down their computer.
What is CompatTelRunner.exe?
Windows telemetry consists of system data downloaded by the Connected user experience and telemetry component. It is used to secure your indows devices. It also helps Microsoft improve the quality of Windows and Microsoft services. CompatTelRunner.exe under Windows 10 is the program that manages everything.
If you go to Windows Settings> Privacy> Diagnostics and Comments, you can configure telemetry here. You can change your return frequency from always to once a week or even never. The same place gives you the option to delete the diagnostic data.
How to disable the activity CompatTelRunner.exe?
Some users have reported that when this program is run, it scans many files on the hard disk and sends a large amount of data over the Internet. It starts as soon as the computer is started and this activity slows down the computer and makes it even sometimes insensitive.
If you want to disable CompatTelRunner.exe, here's what you can do:
1) Disable application experience tasks
- Type taskschd.msc in the prompt and press Enter.
- The task scheduler will open.
- Navigate to Task Scheduler Library> Microsoft> Windows> Application Experience.
- Select the Microsoft Compatibility Estimator task, right click on it and disable it.
The task that you have disabled collects the program's telemetry information if it is enabled in the directory. Program for improving the Microsoft customer experience.
You can also, instead, choose to change the time at which the data is transmitted.
- Right-click the program, and then click Properties.
- Switch to the Trigger section and double-click one of the triggers to open it.
- Here you can change the program schedule, repeat the task settings, delay, etc.
2) Disable Windows telemetry
Windows Telemetry is the program that collects all kinds of data in Windows. There are four levels of telemetry in Windows 10: Security, Basic, Enhanced, and Complete. You can choose to use a basic level to reduce the activity.
I hope this helps you.